Schema Markup

What is Schema ?

Schema is a type of structured data that is added to HTML code in order to improve the way search engines read and understand website content. 

It was introduced in 2011 by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and Yandex with the aim of making it easier for search engines to interpret the meaning of web pages and provide relevant results to users. 

Schema markup is not visible to users but it can be read by search engine crawlers and used to generate rich snippets in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

These rich snippets provide additional information about the page, such as the author, publication date, number of comments etc. which can help users decide whether to click through to the page. In this article, we will explore what schema is, how it works and why it is important for SEO.

How to Generate Schema for HTML

Schema is basically a code or a tag which is used to structure the data on web pages. It helps search engines understand the content on your website and provide relevant results to users. You can use various tools to generate schema for your HTML pages. Some of these include:

1. Google's structured data markup helper: This tool allows you to easily add structured data markup to any web  page. Just enter the URL of the page you want to markup, select the desired data items and click on Generate HTML.

2. Schema App Structured Data Generator: With this tool, you can create custom schema code for your website without having to know much about coding. Just enter the required information and click on 'Generate Code'.

3. JSON-LD Generator: This tool lets you generate JSON-LD code for your web pages. Just enter the URL of the page, select the desired data items and click on 'Generate'.

How does schema work?

Schema is a system of tags (or microdata) that can be added to your HTML to improve the way your page is represented in SERPs. When you add schema markup to your HTML, you’re essentially providing additional information about your content to search engines. 

This extra information can help search engines better understand the meaning and context of your content, which can in turn lead to improved visibility and CTR.

One of the most common uses of schema is to mark up structured data like reviews, events, or products. By marking up this data, you can help search engines display your content in a more useful and visually appealing way. For example, if you mark up a review on your product page, that review may show up as a rich snippet in SERPs:

In addition to event and product markup, there are many other types of schema that can be used to provide even more information about your content. For example, you can use schema to mark up people, organizations, recipes, videos, and much more.

Overall, schema markup is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the way your pages are represented in SERPs. By adding this type of markup to your HTML, you can help search engines better understand the meaning and context of your content, which can in turn lead to improved visibility and CTR.

What are the benefits of schema?

There are many benefits of using schema markup on your website. By adding schema, you can help search engines better understand your content and provide richer search results for users. Schema also enables other features such as voice search and Knowledge Graph cards. Some of the benefits of schema include:

1. Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2. Enhance click-through rates (CTRs) from SERPs

3. Help Google understand your content better

4. Enable rich media features such as voice search and Knowledge Graph cards

What are the drawbacks of schema?

There are a few potential drawbacks to using schema markup on your website:

1. It can be time-consuming to add schema markup to your website's code.

2. If you make any changes to your website's code, you'll need to update your schema markup accordingly.

3. There is always the potential for error when implementing schema markup, which could result in Search Engines not being able to properly interpret your website's content.

How can I get started with schema?

If you're new to schema, the best way to get started is to find a reputable source of information and start familiarizing yourself with the basics. 

Once you have a good understanding of the basics, you can begin looking into more specific aspects of schema and how it can be used to improve your website.

One great resource for learning about schema is the website. This site provides a wealth of information about schema, including tutorials, examples, and reference material.

Another helpful thing to do is join the Schema Markup Google+ Community. This community is a great place to ask questions, share resources, and connect with other schema enthusiasts.


Schema is a code that helps search engines understand the content of your website and improve your visibility in SERPs. Although it is not mandatory, implementing schema can give you an extra edge over your competition. If you are not sure how to do it, there are plenty of resources online that can help you get started.


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